It was 4:30 a.m. I had him totally by surprise. Everything stopped as we stared at each other just a couple arm lengths apart.
I had been walking out to my car to head off to work. I had my head down and was just thinking, “Wow, funny how -18 feels so warm now.”
I came around the corner and was going to the front of my car to unplug it. I looked up and thought, “Hmm, there’s a dog moving inside my car.”
Another tenth of a second and I realized, no, there’s a young man leaning inside my car rifling through it.
“Hey!” I yelled. He stood up, looked at me, locked eyes, and dropped an F-bomb. (Ok, I think I dropped an F-bomb, too.)
A lot races through your mind in moments like this.
I have the advantage – he’s scared, he’s small, he’s cold, I’m angry. No, don’t attack, even with an advantage that ends badly all the time in this city. Kick his butt – he’s damaging your property. No, you have a baby girl sleeping and another coming – you can’t let anything happen.
“GOOOO!” I screamed pointing down the alley, commanding him to flee. And he did. He took off running.
He’s scared, he’s small, he’s cold.
“Wait! Do you need help? I’ll help you! Come back, if you need help I’ll give you help! I’m sorry – I’ll help you!”
He was already 30 or 40 yards down the alley, looking back in confusion and running.
Who the heck apologizes to a thief they just caught red-handed?
He didn’t come back. He kept running.
But I wish he came back. I would have helped him. There was something obviously not well in his life.
It was 4:30 a.m., -18°c outside, and he’s breaking into cars for $2 or $3. He’s obviously in need of help.
Who the heck apologizes to a thief they just caught red-handed?
Jesus does. Ok, does he apologize? No, Jesus is not Canadian. He doesn’t ask for forgiveness. He offers forgiveness.
He has compassion on us, in all circumstances. He is gracious and full of mercy.
God pursued after me continuously. He never stopped. No matter how far I ran, he was there begging “Come back! I’ll help you.”
I was scared. And he pursued me with unconditional grace and forgiveness.
May we find empathy for the hurting – for the scared, small, and cold. May we find the courage to offer grace and forgiveness to others who cross our paths.
And this is why you are loved.❤️
You are a vivid communicator, Mike..with a big heart. Thanks for putting this down in words.
Well done, Mike. Great lesson shared. Can’t say I would have done the same.