Teens, young adults, or seniors, Mike is an engaging speaker for people of all ages, and from all walks of life. Whether it’s for a weekend retreat, a Sunday sermon, or an evening info session, Mike loves to inspire. If you’d like to book him to speak at your next event just click here!
Some responses from past events:
“One of the better speakers we’ve had”
“Loved hearing his true story and how he related to us”
“One of the best speakers (our school) has had”
“Loved it!”
“He was really interesting, better than any chapel ever”
“Relevant to us and entertaining”
“Amazing. Very interesting and engaging”
“Interesting and relatable”
“Really enjoyed the sessions!”
- This event has passed.
Extra Life North
September 7, 2019 - September 8, 2019
Mike is participating in Extra Life North. He’ll be on hand the afternoon of September 7.
Extra Life is a 24-hour game-a-thon charity event that unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network hospital. For over a decade, gamers from all over the world have come together to give back to those who need it the most by raising more than $50 million for sick and injured kids through Extra Life.
Join us at Bell MTS Place on September 7-8th, 2019 to be a part of a charity event like no other, where participants and sponsors raise money for the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, and connect with the kids and their families who need our support now, more than ever!
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