The first time we lost a baby I was confused and unsure what to think. By the fourth loss, I knew exactly what to think. [Read more…]
All You Need is Tequila: On Listening for God in Prayer (Part II)
Ash Wednesday I boarded a plane for Mexico. I had been looking forward to this vacation for months. I was tired, and not because I had to be at the airport for 4:00 a.m. I had been tired since November. The doubt and uncertainty that had been working away at me the past few months had worn me down. A big part of the sermon series on spiritual disciplines that I just finished preaching focussed on silence, solitude, and Sabbath; but I had failed to practice what I preach (as is often the case – I’m pretty open about that struggle). So the first day of Lent I boarded a plane in desperate search for some rest, but even more so I was in search of more direction from God. [Read more…]
Words That Float: On Listening for God in Prayer (Part I)
We have just wrapped up a six-week sermon series at my church on spiritual disciplines. I really enjoyed the task of studying various forms of spiritual exercises over the centuries, and looking closely at how Christ’s own spirituality played out for him in his day-to-day life. While one sermon looked specifically at silence as a spiritual exercise, I found the practice applicable through a number of areas; especially [Read more…]
With eager hope: on autumn, life, and death
Does anyone else find it strange that everyone thinks fall is so beautiful – yet everything is just dying?
A friend posted this on social media earlier. It made me pause for a second, and I smirked. She’s right, after all. As we are all struck by the beauty of autumn, the changing colour of the leaves to bright yellows & reds all around us, in reality we’re taking delight in the seeming death of creation. Is it strange, that we find this event so beautiful, when for these trees this spells the end of their growth for another season? [Read more…]
Crying over spilled coffee … or, paying attention to the interruptions
This week has ended better than it began. Actually, at this time of year, the weeks don’t begin or end; instead they just kind of blur into one another. I think by Boxing Day things should slow down again. Yesterday was Labour Day, and it seems tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We’ve had record numbers in visitors showing up at church on a long weekend to check things out, new staff coming on board, new ministries beginning, and old ones being revived. And meetings. I’ve had meetings. Since the start of September I have had 1,809 meetings [Read more…]